Study Series

Study Series


Videos of each of our current (and past) study series can also be found at our YouTube page HERE

Jude: The Acts of the Apostates

On Sunday, April 14th, Steve Schmutzer started a new study series on the book of Jude. This tiny New Testament book is chock full of instructions for the times we live in. Jude encourages us to “earnestly contend for the faith.” As part of that, this book warns us about ungodly leaders who enter the church, who foster carnal behavior, who distort the message of the Gospel, who seek to advance themselves, and who promote false teachings. Jude is direct and punchy in its style, and the lessons in this series will focus on this very timely message to “stand for the truth.”

NOTE: Starting May 5th, this series will alternate weeks with “The Biblical Covenants” series taught by Dr. Dan Starcevich.

To view all the lessons from this series CLICK HERE

The Biblical Covenants

On Sunday May 5th, Dr. Dan Starcevich started teaching a bi-weekly series exploring the Biblical covenants. These covenants have rightly been called the backbone of the Bible because they are promises God has made. They are so important to Him that He has staked his very reputation on keeping them, and so these covenants are the framework for the entire story of the Bible. These covenants reveal what God has been doing in the world from the dawn of Creation, and what He will be doing to the dawn of the New Heavens and New Earth. They equip us to see the whole Bible as one vast drama of how God brings glory to Himself through Israel and the Church. This series will educate, edify, and encourage you.

NOTE: This series will alternate weeks with Steve Schmutzer’s series:   “Jude: The Acts of the Apostates.”

To view all the lessons from this series CLICK HERE

Past Series

A Biblical View of the End Times

We face uncertain times. The world is rapidly changing. Pressures are great to accept new norms. How do we understand the motives against law & order, and where is all this chaos headed? Please join us as we explore what the full counsel of God’s Word says about today’s events, about extraordinary challenges in times to come, and about the blessed hope that is assured for all who place their faith & trust in Jesus Christ alone. This 82-week series of lessons taught by Steve Schmutzer concluded in March 2024.

To view all the lessons CLICK HERE

Special Events

The Biblical Covenants
We were very privileged to have Lee Brainard and Pete Garcia join us to discuss current and likely world events, and how these things may relate to Bible prophecy.  These two popular speakers, authors, and experts on geopolitics and Bible prophecy shared their insights and thoughts on many interesting issues. 

To hear the recording from this event CLICK HERE